Step 1.Introduction
- Introduction to Python
- History of Python
- Installation and Setup of Python
- Applications and Features of Python
- Career in Python
- Python vs R
- Python vs Php
- Python vs Javascript
- Compilers vs Interpreters
- Flavours of Python
- Python Environment Setup
Step 2.Basics Concept
- Python Variables
- Comments In Python
- Newline in Python
- Escape Sequences in Python
- Python input and output
- Data Types in Python
- Python Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Identity Operators
Membership Operators
Bitwise Operators
- Type Conversion in Python
- Booleans
- Indentation
- Python Conditional Structure
- Python Decision Structure
- Range() in Python
- Python Looping Structure
While Loop
- Break and Continue Statement
- Python Strings
String Functions and Operations
The repr() Function
Step 3.Data Structure in Python
- Python List
List Comprehension in Python
List Slices in Python
Basic operations of List
List Function in Python
- Python Tuple
Tuple vs List
- Python Dictionary
- Python Sets
Step 4.Functional Programming
- Pure Function
- Immutable Data Structures
- Functions in Python
- Lambda Expressions
- The filter() Function
- The map() Function
- The reduce() Function
- Recursion Function in Python
- Built-in Functions
- Decorators in Python
- Closure in Python
- Working with itertools
Step 5.Python Modules and Packages
- Modules
Counter Module
Sys Module
Defaultdict Module
OrderedDict Module
namedtuple Module
Numeric Modules- math, decimal, random
Generating Random Numbers Module
- Packages
pip and PyPI
Modules vs Packages in Python
Step 6.Exception Handling
- Errors and Exceptions
- Exception Handling
- Finally Blocks
- Testing with unittest
- Assertion in Python
Step 7.File Handling
- Opening and Closing Files
- Reading and Writing Files
- Managing Directories and Files
- Renaming Files in Python
- Copying Files in Python
- Zipping Files in Python
Step 8.Advance Concept in Python
- Python Regular Expressions
- Text Analyzer
- Metacharacters
- Multithreading in Python
- Packing and Unpacking Feature
- Virtual Environments and Packages
- The calendar Module
- The Python Debugger
- Pretty-Printing with pprint
- CGI Programming with Python
- Understanding urllib
- Deep Copy vs Shallow Copy
- Assert Statements in Python
Step 9.Object Oriented Programming
- Python Objects
- Classes in Python
- Init()
- Methods in Python
Methods vs Functions main difference
Magic Methods
- Magic Methods
- Abstraction in Python
- Abstract class
- Concrete class
- Access Specifiers in Python
- Polymorphism in Python
- Encapsulation in Python
- Inheritance in Python
Single Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance
- Python Operator Overloading
- Python Function Overloading
- Generators in Python
- Iterators in Python
- Properties in Python
- Generators vs Iterators
- The property Decorator
- Serialization with pickle
Step 10.Popular Frameworks
- Django
- Flask
- CherryPy
- Selenium
- Pyramid
Step 11.Best Python Libraries
1. Selenium
2. MoviePy
3. Pandas
4. Pygame
5. Tkinter
Step 12.Best Python Libraries For Machine Learning
1. NumPy
2. SciPy
3. Scikit-learn
4. Theano
5. Tensor Flow
6. Keras
7. PyTorch
8. Pandas
9. Matplotlib
10. Seaborn Python
Step 13.Python Projects for Beginners
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